Shires and Rangers

The Spay It Forward Program is continually actively seeking out a variety of arrangments with local shires, councils, and cities in WA, to be able to better assist pets and their families. If your council is intersted in a partnership to help improve animal welfare and safety outcomes in your community, please reach out to our Spay It Forward Program Coordinator via or 0420 451 987.

Council Partnership Updates:

shire_of_brookton.pngThe Spay It Forward proudly welcomes the Shire of  Brookton in June 2023, as its partner to promote responsible pet ownership. The SIF program and the Shire of Brookton have partnered to offer financial assistance to vulneable pet owners with a concession card in the locality which helps to create a compassionate community and set a high animal welfare standard in WA overall. While the SIF program offers a community service that allows access to veterinary services (desexing and micorchipping) for pets, the Shire has promised free lifetime registrations for all the approved families through our desexing and microchipping program to increase compliance in the region.

Ranger Referal Form:

Spay It Forward has deseigned the following form for rangers to lodge a request with our organisation to refer vulernable families to our program for financial assistance to get their pet to the vet. We attempt to contact pet owners within 48 hours of receipt of the referal:

Ranger Referral Form

Ranger Support Material:

If you are a ranger working in a community that has a SIF-partnered veterinary practice and you would like to promote our service, please organise our digital or print pamphlet using the following order form:

Promo Order Form